Taketatsu Ayana TV 8

title Taketatsu Ayana TV 8
date 2017 11.08 21:00-22:00
cost free + members only
host Taketatsu Ayana (竹達彩奈)
assistants Sasaki Hitomi
Uchida Shuu (内田秀)
Amako Junna

This was the 8th broadcast for Ayana TV.

They showed a 2 minute video clip of Ayana in Hawaii. It was a little bit from the Ayana in Hawaii bluray, and the bluray will go on sale at Comic Market in December.

There was a clip of Ayana parasailing, and since it was taken from below, the video showed Ayana's feet. She said she was more embarassed to show the bottom of her feet than to wear a swimsuit.

Ayana said that they will show a special video at the 12/17 event, and it will be video that is not included in the bluray.

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2024-05-18 18:21:53 +0900