Taketatsu Ayana TV 11

title Taketatsu Ayana TV 11
date 2018 02.28 21:00-22:00
cost free + members only
host Taketatsu Ayana (竹達彩奈)
assistants Sasaki Hitomi
Uchida Shuu (内田秀)
Amako Junna

This was the 11th broadcast for Ayana TV.

Ayana just had a live on 2/25. She sang a few new songs with dances, so there was a lot she had to learn for the live.

Ayana also went to Gamers for her single. She had a slight disguise and was acting as a store worker. Ayana wanted to see how many people would recognize her in the store. But she was disappointed that most people didn't recognize her.

They also showed some of the Apple Feuille concert goods.

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2024-05-15 00:31:59 +0900