Ichigo Ichie Biyori 1

title Ichigo Ichie Biyori 1
date 2021 06.19
broadcast niconico
seiyuu Taketatsu Ayana (竹達彩奈)

This was the first broadcast of Ichigo Ichie Biyori by Taketatsu Ayana. The first 30 minutes was free, and the rest was for members only.
This broadcast was also a birthday special.

After the opening, they brought out the birthday cake for Ayana. They took some photos with the cake, then they took it away. Ayana said she will eat the cake in the members only part.

This program will have Ayana go to locations and experience various things, things that Ayana hadn't done before. The first location was "bread making", and they will show videos of it in the next broadcast. The staff had some ideas, but they also asked the viewers to send in some ideas.

In the next corner (yatta koto nai marumaru), Ayana will try things that she hadn't done before. In this broadcast the topic was "magic". Ayana did some magic with rope and coins while reading the instructions. Ayana didn't do so well..

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2024-05-19 01:18:29 +0900