Girls Band Party @Hello Happy Circle Housoukyoku 2

title Girls Band Party @Hello Happy Circle Housoukyoku 2
date 2017 05.26 21:00-22:00
broadcast niconico, abema fresh
archive watch/ lv298287211
hosts Itou Miku (伊藤美来)
Toyota Moe (豊田萌絵)
guests Maeshima Ami (前島亜美)
Nakagami Ikumi

This was a live broadcast for the game BanG Dream Girls Band Party. The hosts were Itou Miku and Toyota Moe.

Moe said she used three of the most expensive itunes cards and did a lot of the gacha, but she still didn't get the 4 star Kanon yet.

The guests for this broadcast were Maeshima Ami and Nakagami Ikumi from the band Pastel Palettes. The first Pastel Palettes CD "Shuwarin Dreaming" will go on sale 7/12.

They showed a little bit (around 1 minute) of Ami's stage from the Bushiroad 10th Anniversary Festival. They had made a Pastel Palettes outfit for her.

Ami said she just got to rank 100 in the game.

They announced some of the new cover songs that will be appearing in the game. Itou Miku said she sang "Happy Summer Wedding", and they played a little bit of the song.

Then they played a few games, with two of the seiyuu and three viewers.

During the games, they showed Ami's game screen. She was VERY good.

They also had a corner where the fans sent in ideas for song titles for Pastel Palettes. The winners got Girls Band Party badges.

At the end, they showed the jacket picture of the Shuwarin Dreaming CD. This was the first time that the jacket image was shown.

The next broadcast will be June 23 .

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2024-05-20 18:50:44 +0900