Girls Band Party @Hello Happy Circle Housoukyoku 5

title Girls Band Party @Hello Happy Circle Housoukyoku 5
date 2017 08.18 21:00-22:00
broadcast niconico, abema fresh, bilibili
archive (partial) watch?v=Tv5kvh2t-XE
hosts Itou Miku (伊藤美来)
Toyota Moe (豊田萌絵)
guests Endou Yurika (遠藤ゆりか)
Akesaka Satomi (明坂聡美)

This was a live broadcast for the game BanG Dream Girls Band Party. The hosts were Itou Miku and Toyota Moe. The guests were Endou Yurika and Akesaka Satomi, from the group Roselia.

This broadcast was also broadcast live in China, on Bili Bili.

Miku and Moe showed the new Bang Dream character acrylic stands that just went on sale.

Yurika played one game of the new song "The Everlasting Guilty Crown". Then Moe, Miku, Satomi, and Yurika played "Shuwarin Dreamin" together. Moe played expert mode and got a full combo. Then Moe and Satomi played one game with the viewers.

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2024-05-11 14:18:34 +0900