Hello Happy Circle Housoukyoku 26

title Girls Band Party @Hello Happy Circle Housoukyoku 26
date 2019 06.30
broadcast niconico, youtube
archive www.youtube.com/ watch?v=nNmbptVm8OM
hosts Itou Miku (伊藤美来)
Toyota Moe (豊田萌絵)
guests Ozawa Ari (小澤亜李)
Misawa Sachika (三澤紗千香)

This was the 26th broadcast for the game BanG Dream Girls Band Party.

The hosts were Itou Miku and Toyota Moe. The guests were Ozawa Ari and Misawa Sachika. Uesaka Sumire was supposed to be a guest, but she got the flu, and Ari came as the substitute. This was Ari's first time on a Bang Dream related broadcast.

The gave out a lot of new information on Bang Dream related events and collaborations.

They played two games of Girls Band Party with the viewers.

Then they played some quiz games, and Ari won a pair of tickets to the Toshimaen Amusement park.

The Bang Dream anime movie will start on 9/13, and they showed the advance tickets and goods that were on sale.

There will be a major Bang Dream broadcast on 7/17, Bang Dream Natsu no Daihappyoukai.

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2024-05-20 19:48:42 +0900