Bang Dream TV Live 17

title Bang Dream TV Live 17
date 2019 06.08 23:00-24:00
broadcast youtube
archive watch?v=xmI0kve25u0
hosts Kohara Riko
guests Maeshima Ami (前島亜美)
Hata Sawako (秦佐和子)

This was a live broadcast for Bang Dream. The host was Kohara Riko, the guest host was Maeshima Ami, and the guest was Hata Sawako.

This was broadcast after the rebroadcast of episode 5 of Second Season. They replayed the favorite scenes of Sawako and Ami from that episode while talking about the anime.

Ami said she was at the Gal Sta Sai event earlier today.

Ami also had some Bang Dream events in Shanghai the other day, with Itou Ayasa and Misawa Sachika.

In the news corner, they all put on glasses, and read some Bang Dream information.

The next corner was a special corner by Ami-sensei. Ami showed the "Shuwarin Dreamin" dance, then she taught Riko and Sawako how to dance. At the end, they all danced it together.

After Ami-sensei's corner, they all read mails and then played one game of Girls Band Party.

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2024-05-20 18:48:42 +0900