d Studio 52

title d Studio 52
date/time 2018 09.25
assistant Nakamura Eriko (中村繪里子)
guests Tachibana Rika (立花理香)
Yoshimura Haruka (佳村はるか)
Ochiai Fukushi

This was the 52nd broadcast of d Studio. Nakamura Eriko was the assistant, and the seiyuu guests were Tachibana Rika, Yoshimura Haruka, and Ochiai Fukushi.

The seiyuu guests appeared wearing baseball T shirts or jerseys. They talked a lot about baseball, but Eriko didn't know much about baseball.

Haruka said she became a fan of the Lions around one and a half years ago, because of the Idolmaster collaboration at Lions Stadium.

Rika will have her second solo live in February.

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2024-05-18 15:39:13 +0900