Compile Heart (Dengeki Kanshasai 2017)

title Compile Heart
location Bellesalle Akihabara (Dengeki Online Channel booth)
date/time 2017 03.12 14:40-
broadcast nico nico
archive none
seiyuu Kouno Marika (高野麻里佳)
Sakaguchi Daisuke (坂口大助)

This event was a talk show at the Dengeki Kanshasai 2017 for some of the games by Compile Heart.

The emcee of this event was Sakaguchi Daisuke, and the seiyuu guest was Kouno Marika.

They talked about the game Gun Gun Pixies. Marika does voice of main character.

Then they talked about the upcoming game Genkai Tokki Castle Panzers. They showed a promo video, and said that Marika will be doing a voice in it. But they didn't announce which character it was.

Then they showed some pictures of 4 Megami Online, and the figure of Purple Heart that will be coming out soon.

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2024-05-18 21:42:24 +0900