Azur Lane Koushiki Namahousou 3

title Azur Lane Koushiki Namahousou 3
date/time 2018 02.19 21:00-22:00
broadcast niconico
cost free
seiyuu Itou Asuka (伊藤あすか)
Yuuki Kana
Kakuma Ai (加隈亜衣)

This was the third official live broadcast for the game Azur Lane.

The seiyuu hosts was Itou Asuka, and the guests were Yuuki Kana and Kakuma Ai.

Kana was doing the voice of Yorktown Yukikaze, which was a new ship in the game.

At the end of the broadcast, they brought out a cake for Asuka, as it was her birthday the previous day. Then she at one strawberry right away.

There will be a booth for Azur Lane at the Dengeki Haru no Kanshasai event on 3/10.

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2024-05-15 01:04:10 +0900