Shoka no Azurlane Koushiki Namahousou

title Shoka no Azur Lane Koushiki Namahousou
date/time 2021 06.22 20:00-21:30
broadcast youtube
archive watch?v=3X9yeoD9mAM
seiyuu Shimoda Asami (下田麻美)
Tachibana Shinnosuke

This was a live broadcast for the game Azurlane. The seiyuu participants were Shimoda Asami and Tachibana Shinnosuke.

They gave a lot of information on upcoming game events. There will be a World of Warships collaboration again (4th season).

They also gave information on the goods and collaborations for the Azur Lane Bisoku Zenshin TV anime.

At the end, there was a special announcement video. There will be an Idolmaster x Azur Lane collaboration, but there were no details given. There will be a special broadcast in July .

[Azur Lane broadcasts]

[seiyuu internet broadcasts]

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2024-05-20 10:57:11 +0900