Tsuda Minami no EndLive 3

title Tsuda Minami no EndLive 3
date/time 2016 12.21
broadcast niconico
cost free
host Tsuda Minami (津田美波)
guest Hata Sawako (秦佐和子)

This was the 3rd live broadcast of Tsuda Minami's EndLive program, about the game Endride x Fragments. The guest was Hata Sawako.

This was the first time that Minami and Sawako met.

In the first corner, Minami and Sawako had questions for each other. Minami asked Sawako what kind of games she likes. Sawako said that she likes games without time limits, as she's not very quick.

Sawako asked Minami where she would like to go, and Minami said Italy. The Sawako said she wanted to go to Taiwan to eat fruits.

The next corner was the Endride information corner. Sawako will do the voice of the new character Majolica.

Then they played the game for around 20 minutes.

After playing the game, they had a corner where they had to match their answers for quizzes.

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2024-05-19 22:35:30 +0900