Ge-Gaku 169

title Ge-Gaku 169 Kouno Marika Ge-Gaku Sotsugyou Special
date/time 2019 02.26
broadcast niconico
cost free
seiyuu Kouno Marika (高野麻里佳)
Takai Maika
Kohara Riko

This was the 169th broadcast of the Ge-Gaku. This was a special broadcast as one of the hosts Kouno Marika was graduating from this show.

They showed many videos of Marika's previous appearances.

At the end there were flowers and a graduation certificate for Marika. There was also a birthday cake.

They announced that the Ge-Gaku show will have a renewal, and the next broadcast will be sometime in April.

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2024-05-16 23:59:39 +0900