Emiri Miyu to Issho ni Granblue 100

title Emiri Miyu to Issho ni Granblue 100
date/time 2020 10.22
broadcast niconico, youtube
archive www.youtube.com/ watch?v=70tUdZJ0Qm0
hosts Katou Emiri (加藤英美里)
Takagi Miyu (高木美佑)
guest Imai Asami (今井麻美)

This was the 100th broadcast of Katou Emiri and Takagi Miyu's show for the game Granblue Fantsy. The guest was Imai Asami.

Asami brought a bottle of sparkling wine, and they ate and drank while reading mails.

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2024-05-17 17:56:40 +0900