Emiri Miyu to Issho ni Granblue 130

title Emiri Miyu to Issho ni Granblue 130
date/time 2022 11.24
broadcast niconico, youtube
hosts Katou Emiri (加藤英美里)
Takagi Miyu (高木美佑)

This was the 130th broadcast of Katou Emiri and Takagi Miyu's show for the game Granblue Fantsy.

This was a special for Emiri's birthday, so there were some foods and drinks for Emiri. She had requested a special sushi. They also got a bottle of white wine.

Emiri announced that the KatoFuku final live will take place on Sunday January 22, 2023.

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2024-05-20 18:31:45 +0900