Gamers Guild 71

title Gamers Guild 71
date/time 2023 04.14 (around one hour)
broadcast niconico, youtube
host Miyake Marie (三宅麻理恵)
guests Hara Sayuri
Takayanagi Tomoyo (高柳知葉)
Sasahara Yuu

This was the 71st broadcast of Gamers Guild. The host was Miyake Marie, and the guests were Hara Sayuri, Takayanagi Tomoyo, and Sasahara Yuu.

There was a change in the format of this show. The free broadcast was around 60 minutes, and the members only part will be around 60 to 90 minutes, depending on the game they play.

The game that they played was Dokapon Kingdom Connect.

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2024-05-21 06:16:29 +0900