Heaven Burns Red Release Chokuzen Namahousou

title Heaven Burns Red Release Chokuzen Namahousou
date/time 2022 02.03
broadcast niconico
guests Kusunoki Tomori (楠木ともり)
Maekawa Ryouko (前川涼子)
Amami Yurina (天海由梨奈)
Serizawa Yuu (芹澤優)
Koga Aoi (古賀葵)
video Inami Anju (伊波杏樹)

This was a live broadcast for the upcoming game Heaven Burns Red. The seiyuu guests were Kusunoki Tomori, Maekawa Ryouko, Amami Yurina, Serizawa Yuu, and Koga Aoi.

They gave information on the game Heaven Burns Red, and showed a promotion animation video. The game will be released on 2/10 (available for download on 2/9).

Then they introduced the main characters, and there was a video message by Inami Anju.

Then the seiyuu did a live audio drama. The seiyuu went to a different room with four stand mikes, and did the audio drama.

Next they showed parts of the game by actually playing the game.

There was a video message by Saitou Asuka (Nogizaka46), who appears in the Heaven Burns Red TV commercials. Then they showed the 30 second commercial.

At the end there was a live song stage by singer Yanagi Nagi, who sang two songs.

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2024-05-18 19:59:38 +0900