Houchi Shoujo -Fuyu no Daibounenkai SP-

title Houchi Shoujo -Fuyu no Daibounenkai SP-
date/time 2020 12.12 21:00-23:30
broadcast niconico, youtube
archive www.youtube.com/ watch?v=_s0NPMr4luw
hosts Ishitobi Erika
guests Kitamura Eri (喜多村英梨)
Kakuma Ai (加隈亜衣)
Suwa Ayaka (諏訪彩花)

This was a special broadcast for the game Houchi Shoujo. The seiyuu host was Ishitobi Erika, and the guests were Kitamura Eri, Kakuma Ai, and Suwa Ayaka. Cosplayer Enako also was one of the hosts.

The seiyuu guests appeared for around 45 minutes in the middle of the show. They all drew sketches of their characters.

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2024-05-19 23:28:29 +0900