Houchi Shoujo 4 Shuunen Special

title Houchi Shoujo 4 Shuunen Special
date/time 2021 03.20
broadcast niconico, youtube
archive www.youtube.com/ watch?v=PuAWIeQiCb0
hosts Ishitobi Erika
guests Kubo Yurika (久保ユリカ)
Nakajima Yui
video message Ogura Yui (小倉唯)
Uesaka Sumire (上坂すみれ)
Nazuka Kaori
audio message Tamura Yukari (田村ゆかり)
Kitou Akari (鬼頭明里)

This was a special broadcast for the game Houchi Shoujo. The seiyuu host was Ishitobi Erika, and the guests were Kubo Yurika and Nakajima Yui. Cosplayer Enako also was one of the hosts.

The seiyuu guests appeared for around 45 minutes in the middle of the show. They all drew sketches of their characters.

There were also video messages by Ogura Yui, Uesaka Sumire, and Nazuka Kaori. There were audio messages by Tamura Yukari and Kitou Akari.

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2024-05-15 23:24:38 +0900