Imaizumi P to Ouji teki 3 Punkan 026-030

title Imaizumi P to Ouji teki 3 Punkan 026-030
date/time 2021 05.17 - 2021.05.21
archive 26 watch?v=OMmT4qJ6uK8
27 watch?v=0vrxQPUMteg
28 watch?v=wUyClUYl2Z0
29 watch?v=RkMFSvl2GNQ
30 watch?v=fAGWQzDLSCw
guest Hata Sawako (秦佐和子)

These were the 26th to 30th broadcasts of the 3 minute daily radio show for the game Phantom of the Kill.

The hosts were Imaizumi Jun (the producer) and Hiroi Ouji. The seiyuu guest was Hata Sawako.

Since each broadcast was only 3 minutes, the 5 broacasts were connected.

This was the first time that Hiroi Ouji and Sawako met.

Sawako asked Imaizumi and Ouji about "suki" (opening), and said that people say to her that she has no opening, and therefore not cute. Sawako said she wanted to be cute with "suki" but Imaizumi said she had lots of "suki".

Ouji asked if Sawako liked older or younger guys, and Sawako said she wants to be spoiled, so she prefers older.

Sawako said she was a newcomer twice, once as an idol and once as a seiyuu. But she said it wasn't much like being a newcomer, as she was older than most of the other idols when she started. Also for her seiyuu work, she already had a career, so she didn't really have any hard newcomer experiences.

Sawako said she always wanted to become a seiyuu instead of an idol, so there were times during her idols days when she wanted to quit.

[Phantom of the Kill broadcasts]

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2024-05-08 20:21:39 +0900