Kono Fan Live! 44

title Kono Fan Live! 44
date/time 2024 02.25
broadcast niconico, youtube
guests Fukushima Jun (福島潤)
Kayano Ai (茅野愛衣)
Nazuka Kaori
Naganawa Maria (長縄まりあ)
video Amamiya Sora (雨宮天)
Takahashi Rie (高橋李依)

This was the 44th broadcast of Kono Fan Live! and it was a live broadcast of an event for the 4th anniversary of the KonoSuba Fantastic Days game.

The seiyuu guests were Fukushima Jun, Kayano Ai, Nazuka Kaori, and Naganawa Maria. There were also video messages by Amamiya Sora and Takahashi Rie.

The event was almost 3 hours, and there was even a live audio drama done by the seiyuu.

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2024-05-20 15:23:53 +0900