Seiyuu Encount Karaoke and Talk Joshikai Tokuban

title Seiyuu Encount Karaoke and Talk Joshikai Tokuban
date/time 2023 08.07 20:00-
broadcast niconico, youtube
hosts Suzuki Minori (鈴木みのり)
Hanai Miharu (花井美春)
guest Toono Hikaru (遠野ひかる)
Yano Hinaki (矢野妃菜喜)

This was a special broadcast of Seiyuu Encount, hosted by Suzuki Minori and Hanai Miharu. The guests were Toono Hikaru and Yano Hinaki.

They opened the show with a song.

The first 30 minutes of this broadcast was free, and the rest required a paid ticket.

There were lots of food and drinks in a different room, and they all went to get some food. Then they did a kanpai to start the show. They started reading mails and talking, while eating and drinking.

During the free broadcast part, the seiyuu each sang a solo song. Minori, Miharu, Hinaki, and Hikaru sang in order, and they just the first verse of their songs.

Then the free broadcast ended.

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2024-05-21 01:22:52 +0900