Himitsu Kichi 117

title Himitsu Kichi 117
date/time 2018 01.03 22:00-
broadcast niconico
seiyuu Yoshimura Haruka (佳村はるか)

This was the 117th broadcast of Haruka's Himitsu Kichi program on niconico.

This was recorded on 12/14.

Haruka was thinking about buying some of the Japanese end of year raffle tickets. She even lined up, but she eventually decided against it and didnt buy any.

Haruka wanted to try almond milk nabe, so she gathered the members of Lipps (the Cinderella Girls subgroup) and went to eat it.

In the challenge corner, someone asked Haruka to rip a piece of paper into 2 without using any tools. Haruka did it easily, and said that she used to do this a lot when she was younger.

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2024-05-20 15:49:37 +0900