Himitsu Kichi 141

title Himitsu Kichi 141
date/time 2018 06.20 22:00-
broadcast niconico
seiyuu Yoshimura Haruka (佳村はるか)
guest Yuuki Kana

This was the 141st broadcast of Haruka's Himitsu Kichi program on niconico. The guest was Yuuki Kana.

Kana was also a guest on the previous broadcast .

Kana drew many pictures on the white board. They read mails because they couldn't read any last week.

Haruka said that when she was in junior high, she was on the volleyball team (1st year), the newspaper club (2nd year), and judo team (3rd year). Kana said that she was in the tea ceremony club for three years.

They played the song "Kodoku no Night Rider", which is on Kana debut single.

In the challenge corner, they asked Haruka and Kana to play catch with their opposite hand. They had to throw lefty and catch with their right hand for three round trip throws. At first they had trouble, but then they started throwing underhand and they succeeded.

Kana announced that her debut single "Kana Note" will go on sale 6/27. She will have a release event on 7/1 and her first live on 9/2.

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2024-05-20 15:20:39 +0900