Himitsu Kichi 142

title Himitsu Kichi 142
date/time 2018 06.27 22:00-
broadcast niconico
seiyuu Yoshimura Haruka (佳村はるか)

This was the 142nd broadcast of Haruka's Himitsu Kichi program on niconico.

This was recorded on 6/14.

Haruka said she went to the Lion's game the previous day 6/13. She says she tries not to yell out very loudly when cheering, because of her high and distinctive voice.

In the challenge corner, someone asked Haruka to clap at 60 bpm (beats per minute). Haruka stood up and clapped while counting. But when Haruka got to 60 claps, it was only around 30 seconds!

Haruka said Ohzora Naomi will come as a guest pretty soon.

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2024-05-20 15:29:26 +0900