Himitsu Kichi 155

title Himitsu Kichi 155
date/time 2018 09.26 22:00-
broadcast niconico
seiyuu Yoshimura Haruka (佳村はるか)
guest Takano Asami

This was the 155th broadcast of Haruka's Himitsu Kichi program on niconico. The guest was Takano Asami.
Asami was also a guest last week .

This was recorded on 9/6.

In the challenge corner, someone asked Haruka and Asami to play babanuki (the card game where the person ending up with the joker is the loser). But Haruka had to end up with the joker.

The succeeded, but there was some slight cheating by Haruka..

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2024-05-20 11:56:23 +0900