Himitsu Kichi 181

title Himitsu Kichi 181
date/time 2019 03.27 22:00-
broadcast niconico
seiyuu Yoshimura Haruka (佳村はるか)

This was the 181th broadcast of Haruka's Himitsu Kichi program.

Next week will be the final broadcast, and Haruka will read lots of mails. So this week Haruka talked about her experiences on this show.

She talked about her nickname "lulucan". Haruka though it would be "rurucan" as the "ru" in her name is "r" and not "l". But the staff suggested using "l" instead of "r" and Haruka agreed. Now Haruka is happy she chose "l" because she came across many things related to "l" that she likes, especially the "Lions".

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2024-05-20 15:49:11 +0900