Maru Jikan 36

title Game ha 1 Nichi Maru Jikan 36
date/time 2017 10.04 21:00-
broadcast niconico
hosts Miyake Marie (三宅麻理恵)
Yoshimura Haruka (佳村はるか)
guest Haruno Nanami

This was the 36th broadcast of Game ha 1 Nichi Maru Jikan, hosted by Miyake Marie and Yoshimura Haruka. The guest was Haruno Nanami.

This broadcast was a collaboration special with the Marinka Kuwachan no Kotatsu Asobi show, hosted by Kouno Marika and Kuwahara Yuuki.

They played the game Super Bomberman R against the Kotatsu Asobi team.

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2024-05-18 18:02:20 +0900