Mog2 Kitchen 84

title Mog Mog Kitchen 84
date/time 2017 11.30
broadcast niconico
hosts Yamamoto Nozomi (山本希望)
Fukuhara Ayaka (福原綾香)
video Miyake Marie (三宅麻理恵)
Yoshimura Haruka (佳村はるか)

This was the 84th broadcast of Mog2 Kitchen, hosted by Yamamoto Nozomi and Fukuhara Ayaka.

There was also a video of Nozomi and Ayaka eating with Miyake Marie and Yoshimura Hauraka. They ate the foods that Haruka made in the last four broadcasts (broadcasts 80 to 83). The dishes were shrimp gratin (made with tofu sauce), fried rice, potato pancakes, and rolled omlettes (dashimaki tamago).

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2024-05-15 12:04:09 +0900