Idol 109 part 3 - 2001.07.27 (8)

The file for this broadcast is IDOL02-4.mp3.

There was no guest for the eighth broadcast. It was just a talk by Rieko and Noa.

Noa discovered that the number 500 was written inside the 0's in the new 500 yen coins..

They talked about summer.

Noa said that she is good at fishing yoyos at the summer festivals.

Reiko said she sweats a lot when she sleeps. Noa said that she uses two blankets when she sleeps, even in the summer, and sometimes she wakes up because it's too hot. She has an air conditioner in her room, but she can't sleep with it on.

Noa said her birthday was coming up soon, 8/6.

Noa said she doesn't like the "weak" air conditioned cars in the train, during the summer.
[there are usually two cars in each train with the air conditioner set to "low".] Noa said that she wants to ride the female only trains, so she can look at the cute girls.

Rieko said that she studies her lines on the train. Noa said that she sleeps on the train.

Noa will have a fan club event on 8/5.

Rieko said she is on the cover of K4 Player magazine every month.

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2024-05-20 14:00:45 +0900