Iida Riho Namahaishin

title Iida Riho Namahaishin
date/time 2022 03.01
broadcast youtube
seiyuu Iida Riho (飯田里穂)

This was the spring live broadcast by Iida Riho on her youtube channel. This broadcast was a little over one hour.

There were spring decorations in the studio, and Riho said she just cut her hair.

In the first half of the broadcast, Riho just read comments and talked.

Riho talked about doing the character Amari-chan in the anime PriPara.

Riho talked about how she studied Korean. She studied Korean for two years in college. Then she went to Korea for 3 months to study. Then she also went to a language school in Japan for another couple years.

The second half of the broadcast was announcements by Riho.

Riho said she took photos for a calendar. They also played a short "making of" video of the photo shoot. There will be an event and talk show for the calender on 4/16 and 4/24.

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2024-05-16 02:26:06 +0900