Iida Riho Time Namahaishin

title Iida Riho Time Namahaishin
date/time 2022 08.25
broadcast youtube
seiyuu Iida Riho (飯田里穂)
guest Ohhira Shunya

This was the August live broadcast by Iida Riho on her youtube channel.

Riho read a lot of comments and talked, a lot about summer vacation as it was about to end pretty soon.

Then Ohhira Shunya came as a guest and joined Riho for around 30 minutes.

At the end, Riho gave out some new information. She will have a new radio show "Oshikatsu Suishinbu".

[Iida Riho broadcasts]

[seiyuu internet broadcasts]

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2024-06-04 04:26:03 +0900