Cinderella Girls Next Live Happyoukai

title Cinderella Girls Next Live Happyoukai
date/time 2021 05.27 19:00-20:00
broadcast youtube
archive watch?v=vP6qDf2YfLo
seiyuu Ohhashi Ayaka (大橋彩香)
Fukuhara Ayaka (福原綾香)
Hara Sayuri
Aihara Kotomi
Aoki Shiki
Umezawa Megu (梅澤めぐ)
Tomita Miyu (富田美憂)
Kawase Maki

This was a live broadcast to announce the next live for Idolmaster Cinderella Girls. The seiyuu hosts were Ohhashi Ayaka, Fukuhara Ayaka, Hara Sayuri, Aihara Kotomi, Aoki Shiki, Umezawa Megu, Tomita Miyu, and Kawase Maki. The seiyuu were wearing outfits from some of the previous lives.

Cinderella Girls will have its 10th anniversary this fall.

They showed some video clips from the previous lives.

Later they were joined by the producer, and they gave the information for the next live tour, "Magical Wonderland Tour". They will have the concerts in four areas in Japan, from September 2021 to January 2022.

dates location
9/4, 9/5 Aichi
10/2, 10/3 Fukuoka
11/27, 11/28 Chiba
1/29, 1/30 Okinawa

They announced the 21 idols that will appear in the Aichi concert.

They also showed lots of collaboration goods.

The bluray box of "Happy New Yell" (New Year Live) will go on sale 8/11.

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2024-05-20 18:03:30 +0900