Aqours Uranohoshi Jogakuin Namahousou 1/31

title Love Live Sunshine Aqours Uranohoshi Jogakuin Namahousou
date 2020 01.31 20:00-
broadcast niconico, youtube
archive watch?v=cQJuFXrBZOo
hosts Aida Rikako (逢田梨香子)
Inami Anju (伊波杏樹)
Komiya Arisa (小宮有紗)

This was a live broadcast by the seiyuu of Love Live Sunshine. The hosts were Aida Rikako, Inami Anju, and Komiya Arisa.

They read a lot of mails and talked about the Love Live Fes event that took place on 1/18 and 1/19. They also showed some photos of the event.

The unit lives will start next month, with Guilty Kiss being first.

The Love Live Sunshine fandisk Aqours Memories "Teku Teku Aqours Premium" will go on sale 3/19. They showed a short digest video (around 3 minutes).

The School Idol Festival Kanshasai will take place on 4/11 and 4/12 at Ikebukuro Sunshine City.

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2024-05-19 19:24:49 +0900