Muse 9th Anniversary Kagai Katsudou

title Muse 9th Anniversary Kagai Katsudou
date 2020 02.14 20:00-21:20
broadcast niconico, youtube
archive limited time only
hosts Nitta Emi (新田恵海)
Uchida Aya (内田彩)
Kusuda Aina (楠田亜衣奈)
Iida Riho (飯田里穂)

This was a live broadcast by the seiyuu of Love Live for the 9th Anniversary of Love Live. The seiyuu were Nitta Emi, Uchida Aya, Kusuda Aina, Pile, and Iida Riho.

They opened by saying "Happy Valentine".

They showed three bottles of "jinja ale" (ginger ale) drinks, that will go on sale at Kanda Myoujin Jinja. The bottles have the Muse characters on them.

They talked about and showed some pictures of the Love Live Fes that took place on 1/18 and 1/19.

They played the song "Snow Halation", with the animation from the TV anime.

The new Muse song "A Song for You! You? You!!" will go on sale 3/25. There will be a release event on 5/27, and part of it will be broadcast live. The guests for this event will be Emi, Aya, Suzuko, Riho, Pile, and Aina.

Then they showed a promo video (around 2 minutes) of the new song.

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2024-05-09 13:37:41 +0900