Aqours Tokubetsu Namahousou SukuFes Meeting

title Aqours Tokubetsu Namahousou SukuFes Meeting
date 2020 09.27 18:00-
broadcast youtube
hosts Inami Anju (伊波杏樹)
Aida Rikako (逢田梨香子)
Takatsuki Kanako (高槻かなこ)

This was a live broadcast by the seiyuu of Love Live Sunshine. The participants were Inami Anju, Aida Rikako, and Takatsuki Kanako.

This show was dedicated to the School Idol Festival game.

They took ideas for various parts of the game, and they read the mails. Then the seiyuu voted on the ideas.

The first corner was ideas for the party cards, the UR cards featuring two girls in one scene.

Next they took ideas for the icons. The seiyuu also drew some of their own ideas with a Christmas theme.

Then they played one game of School Idol Festival with the fans.

The last set of ideas was for new in game events.

At the end, they gave out new information about the game.

A new story series starts in October. There will also be a game update in October.

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2024-05-19 13:22:24 +0900