SIF Kanshasai 2020 namahousou

title School Idol Festival Kanshasai 2020 -online- namahousou
date 2020 10.31 15:00-
broadcast youtube, bilibili, others
hosts Aida Rikako (逢田梨香子)
Suwa Nanaka (諏訪ななか)

The School Idol Festival Kanshasai 2020 was a fully online event. This live broadcast was to commemorate 50 million worldwise users.

This seiyuu hosts were Aida Rikako and Suwa Nanaka. This was the first time that Rikako and Nanaka worked together by themselves.

There were now 50 million School Idol Festival players worldwide. They gave information on new game events and new cards. They introduced a new event called "live arena". Then they played one song in live arena mode.

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2024-05-18 17:24:33 +0900