Anime Hack TV 05

title Anime Hack TV 05
date 2021 08.07
broadcast youtube
hosts Tokui Sora (徳井青空)
guests Date Sayuri (伊達さゆり)
Misaki Nako (岬なこ)

This was talk show hosted by Tokui Sora. The guests were Date Sayuri and Misaki Nako.

Sora, Sayuri, and Nako talked about Love Live Superstar. The CDs for the opening and ending songs went on sale.

The first two episodes of Superstar have been broadcast already, and episode 3 will be broadcast tomorrow (8/8). They showed a promo video for episode 3.

Then they pulled some topics out of a gacha machine, and talked some more about Love Live Superstar and their characters.

Then they played picture shiritori. They got 13 in 3 minutes, so they got some desserts.

At the end, they gave the dates and places of Liella's 1st Live Tour "Starlines", to take place from October to January.

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2024-05-11 13:33:15 +0900