Live Commentary New Year Live 2019

title Uchida Maaya Live Commentary New Year Live 2019
date/time 2019 05.20 20:00-21:15
broadcast niconico
archive none
cost free
seiyuu Uchida Maaya (内田真礼)

This was a live broadcast for the bluray/DVD of Uchida Maaya's live, New Year Live 2019 "Take You Take Me Budokan", which took place on January 1, 2019. The bluray/DVD goes on sale 5/22.

The emcee of the show was Chanko, and one of the band members came as a guest.

They showed some clips of each song, and commented on them. Maaya talked about the songs and outfits. It was the first time Maaya did a live on 1/1, and it was also the first time she sang at the Budoukan.

Maaya will also have her 9th single "Kodou Escalation" going on sale 7/10. It will be the second ending song for the TV anime Dia no Act Act 2. They played a little bit of the song.

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2024-05-20 00:28:46 +0900