MxMxSxNama Minami Side

title MxMxSxNama Minami Side
date/time 2019 01.25 20:30-21:15
host Tsuda Minami (津田美波)
broadcast niconico
archive none

This was the second niconama broadcast for the usen radio show M and M Station, which was a radio show by Maaya and Tsuda Minami. Maaya had her solo niconama broadcast for this show the day before.

Minami talked a little about Maaya. Then Minami did some of Maaya's corners.

Minami also decorated some pancakes, according to the theme chosen by the viewers. She wore apron and used a bowl of katsudon to decorate the pancakes, topped with some strawberries.

[Uchida Maaya Internet broadcasts]

[seiyuu internet broadcasts]

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2024-05-16 08:24:39 +0900