Maeshima Ami no KokoKore 2017.12.30

title Maeshima Ami no KokoKore 8
date/time 2017 12.30 21:00-
broadcast abema fresh
cost free + members only
archive ami-maeshima/ 180702
host Maeshima Ami (前島亜美)
guest none

This was the 8th broadcast of Maeshima Ami's internet program.

Ami was broadcasting from home again. There was a faint BGM, as Ami was trying out some background music. She was looking for some license free music, but most of them were pretty loud. Then she found one that was quiet, like an orgel.

Ami was wearing glasses. She said it was one that shut out the blue light. She also said she trimmed her hair a little bit a few days ago.

Ami doesn't have a fan club right now, but she feels that this broadcast channel is her fan club.

The broadcast stopped for a minute of so at 42 minute mark.

Ami switched to the members only broadcast at the 45 minute mark. She also took off her glasses.

The broadcast ended at around 22:17.

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2024-05-20 12:39:12 +0900