Maeshima Ami no KokoKore 2018.04.07

title Maeshima Ami no KokoKore 10
date/time 2018 04.07 21:00-22:20
broadcast abema fresh
cost free + members only
archive ami-maeshima/ 201580
host Maeshima Ami (前島亜美)
guest none

This was the 10th broadcast of Maeshima Ami's internet program.

Ami was broadcasting from home again, and the camera was pointed at her teddy bear.

Ami said she had a cold but had mostly recovered. So she said she was doing this show radio style. She said this bear was one she got as a present.

Ami was busy with a stage play until 4/1. Also 4/1 was the first anniversary of her solo career.

Ami read a lot of comments and answered questions like the previous broadcasts.

The new TV show "Bang Dream TV" began in April, and Ami has her own corner.

Ami switched to the members only broadcast at the 39 minute mark.

Ami said she was trying to set up an event. Last year she had and event in November for her birthday, and will probably have one again this year. But Ami wants to have an event before that, like in June.

At the end, Ami waved the bear's hand to say bye.

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2024-05-20 12:18:35 +0900