Maeshima Ami Channel 31

title Maeshima Ami Channel video 31
date 2019 05.03
url watch?v=FH1nR5NkHoc
host Maeshima Ami (前島亜美)

This was the 31st video by Maeshima Ami for her youtube channel. This video was around 15 minutes.

Ami now had over 100,000 subscribers to her youtube channel. It took about a half year to get this many.

Ami was wearing her own karate dougi. She wanted to break 10 tiles to commemorate the 100,000 subscribers.

Ami wore a glove on her right hand. She started with just one tile. On her first try, she missed the target. But on her second try, she did it.

Next Ami tried 5 tiles. She broke them all on her first try.

Next Ami tried 10. She was successful, and broke them all on her first try.

Ami said her next target was 150,000 subscribers. She wanted to reach it by the end of the year.

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2024-05-20 20:57:44 +0900