Maeshima Ami Channel 33

title Maeshima Ami Channel video 33
date 2019 05.17
url watch?v=DyYK7-UoilQ
host Maeshima Ami (前島亜美)

This was the 33rd video by Maeshima Ami for her youtube channel. This video was around 13 minutes.

Ami wanted to be an "adult" and be able to enjoy wine. So she got two bottles of wine, one cheap bottle from Seven Eleven (300 yen) and one expensive bottle, Pommard 2014 (6000 yen).

Ami poured the wine into two glasses. Then she smelled and tasted the two wines to see the difference. Then Ami shuffled the two glasses, to see if she can guess which is the expensive wine by tasting it.

Ami picked one, and confirmed it by pouring another glass of the expensive wine and tasting it. Ami was correct. But Ami drank a lot to do the tasting, so she was pretty drunk at the end of the broadcast.

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2024-05-20 17:38:13 +0900