Maeshima Ami Channel 50

title Maeshima Ami Channel video 50
date 2019 10.25
url watch?v=SVCwcveffBk
host Maeshima Ami (前島亜美)

This was the 50th video by Maeshima Ami for her youtube channel. This video was around 10 minutes.

Ami was at a batting center.

Ami's challenge was to try to hit a 160km (100mph) fastball.

She started with the 80km balls. As she got used to the pitches, she started making contact.

Next she went to 90km. Then 100km, 110km, and 120km. Ami was able to make contact at 120km.

Then she went to 130km, 140km, and 150km. Ami was able to foul off the 150km, with a half swing after choking up on the bat.

Then Ami went to 160km. She swung 20 times, and fouled it off once! So Ami succeeded in her challenge of hitting a 160km fastball.

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2024-06-02 01:05:35 +0900