Maeshima Ami Channel 57

title Maeshima Ami Channel video 57
date 2020 01.17
url watch?v=MLXJDzYfrSY
host Maeshima Ami (前島亜美)

This was the 57th video by Maeshima Ami for her youtube channel. This video was around 1 hour.

In this video, Ami said she will just work for one hour. Ami was going to make a jigsaw puzzle.

Ami had a white puzzle, and drew a picture on it. Then she shuffled the pieces and started making the puzzle. After shuffling the pieces, Ami realized that she should have taken a photo of the picture.

Ami finished the puzzle in 20 minutes.

Then Ami colored the puzzle (around 20 minutes), and did the puzzle again. This time it took around 15 minutes.

At the end, Ami added a litle bit more color to her picture.

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2024-05-19 00:47:23 +0900