Maeshima Ami Channel live broadcast 17

title Maeshima Ami Channel live broadcast 17
date 2020 08.28
url watch?v=MW2OIEnOQhk
host Maeshima Ami (前島亜美)

This was the 17th live broadcast by Maeshima Ami for her youtube channel. This broadcast was around 30 minutes.

Ami's hair was getting long.

Ami read messages and talked while drinking tapioca tea.

Ami talked about the Bang Dream 8th Live, which took place outdoors at the Fujikyuu Highland amusement park. Ami participated in day 3 of the event.

Ami sang a song with Uesaka Sumire. Sumire appeared via video, and Ami sang on the stage.

Ami said that she became the image girl for the shampoo L'acure.

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2024-05-20 19:29:26 +0900