Maeshima Ami Channel live broadcast 18

title Maeshima Ami Channel live broadcast 18
date 2020 10.13
url watch?v=yJhpGN3hZz4
host Maeshima Ami (前島亜美)

This was the 18th live broadcast by Maeshima Ami for her youtube channel. This broadcast was around 30 minutes.

Ami bought a white sour (alcoholic drink) and some snacks (nuts).

Ami talked about the Bang Dream 8th Live, where she performed as Pastel Palettes.

Ami said that she was the official ambassador for the shampoo L'acure. There is a present campaign right now (10/9 to 11/30), and those who buy 2 bottles can apply for one of Ami's events. Ami said she is using this shampoo everyday.

Ami said she will have a broadcast event on 10/17 on openrec.

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2024-05-20 20:42:55 +0900