Maeshima Ami Channel live broadcast 19

title Maeshima Ami Channel live broadcast 19
date 2020 11.30
url watch?v=DSfUQM6lidI
host Maeshima Ami (前島亜美)

This was the 19th live broadcast by Maeshima Ami for her youtube channel. This broadcast was around 30 minutes.

It was still November 30, but Ami thought it was December. Ami thought this might be the final broadcast of the year, so she wore a santa hat and cape. After she realized that it was still November, Ami became very embarrassed.

In this broadcast, Ami drank a can of Horoyoi (alcohol drink) and talked while reading comments.

In the middle of the broadcast, Ami's manager brought out a cake for Ami, as she had become 23 on 11/22.

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2024-05-20 19:09:20 +0900