Yoru Night x Yoru Night -Thursday- 9/3

title Yoru Night x Yoru Night -Thursday-
date/time 2020 09.03 23:30-
broadcast niconico
cost first part free
host Washizaki Takeshi (鷲崎健)
guest Nanjou Yoshino (南條愛乃)

This was a live broadcast of Washizaki Takeshi's daily radio show. The guest was Nanjou Yoshino.

Yoshino talked about her new album that went on sale 9/2. It was an acoustic arrange album. Yoshino had been doing acoustic lives for around 6 years, but this is her first acoustic album.

Yoshino was actually working on a full album. But since she can't do any live concerts now because of the coronavirus, they switched to making this acoustic album instead.

They played the song "Believe in Myself". During the song they showed a making video of yoshino doing the recording. This making video was black and white.

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2024-05-18 16:46:58 +0900